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Web Site Submissions

Don't let your Search Engine submissions get you KICKED OFF the Search Engines!

If you want to manually submit a page to a search engine, what steps would you take?

  • You visit the search engine home page

  • You click their "Add URL" link

  • You fill in their submission form

  • You press the Submit button

Did you know that if you submit to some search engines incorrectly your pages could be PERMANENTLY BANNED from their index or directory?

You only have 2 options when submitting your pages:

  1. Use automated submission software

  2. Submit by hand

The problem with #1 is that the search engines are onto "auto-submitters" - they know when a submission was not done by hand and many of them will penalize or even ban your site forever!   The problem with #2 is that it could take FOREVER to submit ALL your pages properly by hand to the hundred of engines that could be driving traffic to your site.

ProtoLynx submission does it! It's the ONLY submission service that submits pages EXACTLY as if you were doing it by hand.  Plus - it's fully automated!

Here's what ProtoLynx can do for you:

  • Save you several hours per week by automating the entire submission process. Just give us your Domain Profile, and access to all your web pages and we do the rest.

  • Save you a ton of time and effort of manually entering your pages.
    ProtoLynx quickly scours your hard drive for all relevant web pages so you don't have to!

  • Automatically analyzes each submission result to make sure that it was accepted by the search engine! Any results that fail will cause the search engine to be Removed from your Domain Profiles and added to your "Dead Links" file so you can analyze it later - no more wasted submissions!

  • It will specify unique submission intervals for each domain and select specific search engines for each domain! This means that pages "tuned" for specific search engines will Only get submitted to those engines!

  • Automatically check for dead links - before submitting them!

So you are asking how much? for only $299.00 ProtoLynx will do the submission to the following search engines:
  • Altavista

  • Anzwers

  • DirectHit

  • Excite

  • Google

  • HotBot

  • Lycos

  • Magellan

  • Webcrawler

  • Whatuseek


For one full year ProtoLynx will keep submitting your pages when necessary to all the search engines without getting banned so your pages get indexed properly.

You've probably seen those ads that promise to submit your site to 400+ search engines, right? All they are promising is that your pages will be submitted, not indexed! Who cares if your pages only get submitted! If they don't get indexed, what's the point?

We believe that it is better to slowly submit a few pages and have them indexed rather than to quickly submit a lot of pages and not get any of them indexed.

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